Before and After

“In just 40 days I lost 25 pounds, lost 4 inches around my waist.”
– Dr. Jolene
– Dr. Jolene

“In just 40 days I lost 32 pounds, went from a size 18 to size 12 and lost 5 inches around my waist.”
– Jerry G.

“In just 40 days I lost 30 pounds, lost 5 inches around my waist.”
– Shirley P.

“In just 40 days I lost 22 pounds, the red spots on my legs have cleared up. I am fiting into clothes I never have.”
– Yvonne G.

“In just 40 days I lost 22 pounds, feel better with my nausea all together.”
– Mary M.

“In just 40 days I lost 26 pounds, I feel better and have more energy.”
– Debbie G.